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What's in it for You


There is a lot to gain from being part of the Apprentice of The Year competition.

In addition to some epic prizes, previous entrants have benefited from:

  • The opportunity to build their skills to fast-track their career
  • Recognition for being a great apprentice and a future leader
  • Meeting and networking with industry leaders and likeminded apprentices from all over the country
  • A free one-year Master Builders membership – loaded with free training and social events.

"I arrived at Auckland Airport and for the first time ever was greeted by a Corporate Cabs driver with my name on a sign - I excitedly jumped in the car and was taken to the 5 Star Pullman Hotel where I would spend the next three nights for the duration of the trip. I flew up on the Wednesday and Bryce, Denham and my mum and dad would be joining the following day - flights and accommodation paid for by Master Builders." Read more about Sams experience here

Sam Hoskins, Southern Regional Winner at the Master Builder Carters 2024 Apprentice of the Year

"I entered the Master Builders Apprentice of the Year 2024 competition because I’m ridiculously over competitive and I like doing competitions. Most people aren’t like this. That said, I was on the tools with my mate Damo (also recently qualified) shortly after winning the regional and couldn’t help but think: 
‘Hmmm, Damo can cut in a much straighter line than me. And those scribers he has just done are damn-near perfect. Why didn’t he enter the competition, he would have crushed it. Kind of lucky for me he didn’t…’ 
The reality is there are many incredible apprentices who just don’t consider the fact that they could go far in this competition. " Read more about Bens experience here

Ben Stokes, Lower South Island Regional Winner at the Master Builders Carters 2024 Apprentice of the Year

“When I was young, I loved building stuff with my older brothers. Being a builder was something I knew was right for me. It was awesome to be recognised for my hard work. The competition was lots of fun — I enjoyed challenging myself and doing something out of my comfort zone. It was great to meet the other apprentices, they are all awesome people.”

Isaac Posthuma, second place at the Master Builders Carters 2023 Apprentice of the Year, Northern Regional Winner

“I never thought I’d win. Working primarily on retirement village homes, I assumed that might be a disadvantage compared to those focused on high-spec builds. But in the end, my in-depth knowledge of these projects really shone through. I tend to be pretty hard on myself, so this recognition feels particularly rewarding."

Taharangi McWatters. Central North Island & East Coast / Hawke's Bay 2023 Regional Winner 


Click the images below to hear about what some of our apprentices had to say about their experience in the competition. You can also hear from one of our national judges, Martin Goulden, talking about his experience with the competition. Martin has been a judge for over 18 years!




Owned By Registered Master Builders

Principal Partner Carters

Event Partners BCITO